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Catholic Life and Mission

Junior Christmas Carol Service


Reception class learning about baptism


Assisting at the foodbank


Remembrance Day Liturgy
Infant Nativity
Bishop Sherrington visit for 50th Anniversary

How faithfully do we respond to the call to live as a Catholic community at the service of the Church's educational mission?

Catholic Social Teaching - CST

What is Catholic Social Teaching?  

"Love your neighbour as yourself" (Mark 12:31)  

CST is rooted in Scripture and shows us different ways that we can follow God’s plan for how we should live our lives in his Kingdom. It guides us on how to live out our faith – to love God and our neighbours - to bring kindness, justice, love and peace to everyone in our world.  

At Our Lady of Lourdes, we follow the six main principles of Catholic Social Teachings, focusing on a different one each half term.  

  • Care for creation   
  • Human dignity  
  • Community and participation  
  • Option for the poor and vulnerable  
  • Solidarity and peace  
  • Dignity of work