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Prayer Life at Our Lady of Lourdes

"Our prayer cannot be reduced to an hour on Sundays.  It is important to have a daily relationship with the Lord." 

[Pope Francis]

Through prayer and worship, we give thanks to God and it is important that children understand that there is a purpose to prayer.  At Our Lady of Lourdes, the children say daily prayers at set times during our school day: at the start of the school day, before lunch, after lunch and at the end of the day. As well as these, the children explore a variety of methods of prayer such as:

  • Traditional learned prayer in group settings
  • Prayer related to the Liturgical Cycle
  • Prayer from the Bible
  • Individual, quiet prayer and reflection
  • Prayer using different stimulus, e.g.  images, music, art and nature
  • Silent meditation
  • Prayers in song

Children also have many opportunities to write their own prayers and there are times for spontaneous prayer and silent prayer too.