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The Governing Body

Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Primary School is a Voluntary Aided school and its Governing Body consists of both appointed and elected governors.

Foundation Governors [7]
Foundation governors at the school represent the interests of the Diocese of Westminster who are trustees of the school. The role of the foundation governor is to ensure that the school is clearly recognisable as Christian in its ethos and that its role is seen in the provision for Catholic children of the Diocese.

Parent Governors [2]
Parents of pupils registered at the school are eligible to stand for election as a parent governor. They are elected by other parents at the school. The school has two elected parent governors.

Staff Governors [1]
The Headteacher is automatically eligible to be a full member of the Governing Body by virtue of the office. Headteachers have the choice of being a governor. Both teaching and support staff who are paid to work at the school are eligible to stand as staff governors. They are elected by other members of the staff at the school. The school has one staff governor.

Local Authority Governors [1]
Local Authority governors are appointed by the Local Authority of Enfield. There is one Local Authority governor at Our Lady of Lourdes.

Associate Members
There are a number of associate members who attend meetings of the Governing Body at Our Lady of Lourdes. Their presence provides valuable expertise in a variety of areas. Associate members, however, do not have the right to vote at meetings.

Governors generally hold their office for a period of four years at a time. During this time they have the opportunity to attend training courses and workshops on a comprehensive range of topics provided by the Local Authority and the Archdiocese, and receive updates on salient issues from a variety of sources.

Governors provide guidance and support. The role of a governor is that of a 'critical friend', who is there to give direction and focus to the school leadership. The management of the school is the responsibility of the headteacher.

Meetings of the full Governing Body are usually held once a term throughout the school year. Topics covered in meetings may include planning the school's long term vision through the School Improvement Plan, target setting and monitoring, and the school budget. Much of the work, however, is devolved to a series of committees to ensure the workload is dealt with effectively.  Copies of meeting minutes are available, on request, from the school office.

The Governing Body is answerable to parents and the wider community.

Correspondence for the Governors may be addressed to the Clerk to the Governing Body at the school or by emailing:

The members of the Governing Body are as follows:

Foundation Governors

Mrs Anita O'Neill

Resources Committee

Term:  1st November 2021 - 31st August 2025

Register of interests:  None declared

Mr Peter Coleman

Term: 1st September 2024 - 31st August 2028 

Resources/Curriculum Committee

Register of interests: None declared

Mrs Nicola Madigan [Chair of Governors]

Vice-Chair of Governors

Curriculum committee

Term: 1st March 2023 - 31 August 2026

Register of interests: None

Ms Giulia Messa

Term: 1st September 2024 - 31st August 2028 

Resources Committee

Register of interests: None declared

Mrs Sally Everist

Term:  1st September 2024 - 31st August 2028

Resources committee

Register of interests:  None declared

Two vacancies 

Parent Governors

Ms Dzheylyan Basrieva

Term:  1st September 2024 - 31st August 2028

Curriculum Committee

Register of interests:  None declared

Mrs Sadana Williams

Term: 4th December 2024 - 4th December 2028

Resources Committee

Register of interests:  None declared

Headteacher Governor

Mrs Gillian Hood
Register of interests: Foundation Governor at St Anne's Catholic High School for Girls, Enfield

Staff Governor

Mrs Karen Hutton

Curriculum Committee

Term:  1st March 2023 - 27 February 2027

Register of interests:  None declared

Local Authority Governor

Mr Mark Vargeson [Vice-Chair of Governors]

Curriculum Committee

Term:  19th November 2021 - 18th November 2025

Register of interests:  None declared

Associate Members

Mrs Margaret Payne

(Deputy Headteacher)

Resources/Admissions committees
Term: 10th September 2019 - 9th September 2023
Register of interests: None declared

Fr David Reilly

Term: 1st September 2022 - 31st August 2026

Register of interests: None declared

Mrs Emma Harvey

Term:  1st September 2024 - 31st August 2028

Register of interests:  None declared