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School Uniform

All the children of Our Lady of Lourdes School wear a school uniform of which we are very proud, you can buy both pre-loved uniform (very cost effective and kind to the environment!) or brand new, further details below.

Those items with an asterix * can only be purchased via the official school suppliers or from the pre-loved contact, no alternatives are acceptable.  All other items can be purchased from any supplier of your choice.

  • Pale blue polo shirt with school logo* 
  • Grey sweatshirt or cardigan with school logo*
  • Medium grey trousers / shorts or pinafore dress / skirt 
  • Grey / black/white socks
  • Grey / navy tights
  • Sensible black footwear, either shoes or ankle length boots (not trainers or Crocs / no knee high boots or Uggs)
  • Plain navy school coat* or a navy/black alternative
  • Plain navy woolly hat or official school hat from supplier during cold weather (no motifs)
  • Plain navy scarf/gloves 
  • Wellington boots (EYFS/Nursery/Reception children only)


  • Pale blue / white check (Gingham) dress or playsuit
  • Grey shorts 
  • Pale blue polo shirt with school logo* 
  • Grey sweatshirt or cardigan with school logo*
  • School baseball cap / legionnaire’s cap*
Early Years (EYFS) Uniform (Nursery and Reception)

EYFS pupils wear the pale blue school logo polo shirt* and grey school logo sweatshirt/cardigan* along with navy blue tracksuit bottoms and trainers

Physical Education Kit

Children now wear their PE kit to school on the day/s that they have PE.

  • Plain navy blue shorts
  • Plain navy tracksuit bottoms in cold weather
  • Plain blue T-shirt with school logo*
  • Plain black plimsolls or trainers

Uniform is available to order from the online store, via link a bottom of this page.

Alternatively, you can contact The Association of Parents and Friends (APF) to purchase pre-loved uniform at a reduced price (subject to stock availability).  This is a very cost-effective way to buy uniform and lots of parents use this service.  Please contact the school office, and they will liaise with the APF and come back to you.


Hair should be neat at all times. No extremes of fashion are allowed including tracks/ logos shaved onto the scalp and long hair should be tied back at all times. Hairbands should be soft and navy, white or grey. "Scrunchies" or hair elastics should also be navy, white or grey. 


No jewellery should be worn except small plain studs.

Children are permitted to wear a plain inexpensive watch.


All items of uniform should be clearly marked with a sew on / iron on name label.

Neither toys nor valuables should be brought to school.

Parents are asked to note, in case of an emergency, a temporary exemption from the above may be granted if written request is provided by parents stating clearly how long the concession is required and for what purpose.