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Wrap around care and clubs

We offer both a breakfast club (from 8am) and an after school club (3.15pm - 6pm) and so care is available for your children from 8am until 6pm, if you require wrap around care.  The clubs are run by our own staff and so they are known to the children.

Further information can be found below, along with a registration form.

We also run school holiday clubs, contact school office for more information.


Our after school club, run by school staff, runs from 3.15pm - 6pm every day, during term time.  It costs £11.50 per day, this includes a snack.  Children are also welcome to bring a packed tea if they need something more substantial than a snack.  Please complete the registration form which can be found at the bottom of this page and return to the school.  

Further enquiries and completed registration forms can be directed to:

School staff also run a breakfast club from 8am until 8.45am, every morning, please call the school office for more information.  Breakfast club costs £5 per session.