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Absence from school procedures

We pride ourselves on our attendance record.  We understand the importance of being in school every day and arriving on time.  We believe that regular attendance at school is key to enabling pupils to progress and enjoy learning and ultimately ensures that our children have the maximum life chances.

To encourage good attendance we will:

  • monitor attendance regularly and liaise with families if there are any concerns;
  • support families in ensuring that their children attend school regularly.

We ask that families help us by:

  • notifying the school promptly if your child is ill or absent for any unavoidable reason;
  • completing the form below, in advance, to request authorisation for any unavoidable absence;
  • making non-urgent medical appointments outside of school hours, whenever possible;
  • booking holidays outside of term time as we cannot authorise term time absences for family holidays;
  • making sure children arrive to school on time each day - when pupils arrive late, it is disruptive for both the pupil and the other members of their class and can impact on overall achievement.

Please complete the form above and return to the school office, if you wish to request permission for an unavoidable absence, e.g.  medical appointments, family emergency, etc...

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