On behalf of all the children, staff and governors I would like to warmly welcome you to Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Primary School website. We hope you find the information accessible and informative and that it gives you a flavour of life at our school.
Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Primary School is a friendly, happy place to learn and work. Our children love coming to school and we are particularly proud of the warmth of the relationships between children and staff, and the excellence of our pastoral care. Our most recent inspection, October 2021, recognised this: "Pupils said that their school is welcoming and friendly. They make friends quickly and always help each other. Leaders put pupils’ well-being at the heart of the school. They make sure that pupils do well in their subjects as well as caring for their personal and emotional welfare. This balance between pupils’ welfare and their academic achievements is what helps to make the school successful."
We offer a high quality, broad and balanced curriculum and, as proud providers of a Catholic education, we base all relationships on Gospel values which underpin our daily lives in school. We recognise the uniqueness of every child and provide opportunities for each one to develop a full range of skills. Children of all faiths, or none, are welcome in our school.
You are very welcome to come along and visit the school; we actively encourage this. Please feel free to contact the school office team who will be happy to arrange a visit for you - we look forward to welcoming you. Thank you for the interest you have expressed in our school through your visit to our website. You can follow us on Twitter and Instagram too: @ololn11
Mrs Gillian Hood, Headteacher