Collective Worship
What is the quality and range of liturgy and prayer at our school?
'Worship means bringing our lives to the Lord, and allowing him to enter them.'
[Pope Francis]
Collective worship at Our Lady of Lourdes names and celebrates God's presence in our lives. It is our loving response, in word and action, to God's invitation to enter into a relationship with God, made possible through the work of Jesus Christ and the witness of the Holy Spirit.
Prayer is at the heart of all that we do as a school, and it is through prayer that pupils can gain a deeper understanding of who God is calling them to be. At each act of worship, we are consciously bringing ourselves before God and acknowledging our dependence on His love to give us strength and guidance. Praying together as a school community unites us and enriches us.
Through collective worship we have the chance to explore and understand the values at the heart of our ethos. From forgiveness and humility, to gratitude and justice, collective worship gives our school community a space and time to reflect.
In Catholic schools, pupil participation and engagement in worship are important criteria in the diocesan inspection of Catholic education, not least during the daily act of collective worship.